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Contact us to improve business process, CSR management and interpersonal skills

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a common business norm and ethical practices promoted by many international leading brands. They establish CSR as Mission and Value in the company statement, as well as develop as Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) in their supply chain operations. Below are the most common compliance principles called by the stakeholders:.​

Labor Code
·    Prohibition of Forced Labor
·    Hours of Work
·    Wages & Benefits
·    Collective Bargaining

·    Anti Abuse & Harassment
·    Anti Discrimination
·    Freedom of Association

·    Contractor Monitoring

Health & Safety
·    Building & Construction Safety
·    Fire Safety
·    Electrical Safety
·    Chemical Safety
·    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

·    First-aid and medical care
·    Hygiene Facilities
·    Ventilation Systems
·    Lighting Systems
·    Noise Control

·    Solid Waste Management
·    Waste Water Discharge
·    Polluted Air Emission
·    Energy Conservation
·    Water Saving
·    Reduce / Reuse / Recycle Practices

·    Physical Security
·    Access Security
·    Operation System Security
·    Personnel Security
·    Information System Security
·    Security Awareness Training

There are many supplier auditing programs developed by brands, non-profit organizations (NGOs) and independent certification bodices. If your company management feels headache to deal with these requirements, we can provide training and consultancy services with practical experiences of in-depth engagement and industrial benchmarking. Your company will learn not only how to effectively manage the compliance risks, but also explore more business opportunities with the international leading brands and their buying representatives.

What we offer to improve interpersonal skills for your company staffs?

If you want a team  to engage and help to improve

If you want a trainer to train up your staff

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

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