Contact us to improve business process, CSR management and interpersonal skills
Recently, the profits of many companies are diminishing, like the icebergs. If your company is one of them and has already identified the deficiencies, we encourage you to start self-run improvement projects with "Six Sigma" problem solving approach.
"Six Sigma" is a breakthrough approach to enable companies improving business processes continuously and staying competitive in the markets through "D-M-A-I-C" five phase model:
Define phase: It is the development of a feasible and top management approved "Project Charter".
Measure phase: “Benchmarking” is one of the ways to compare the current performance with best practices in the markets and to trigger a company for significant improvement.
Analyze phase: Analysis builds on the work done in define and measure phases. The collected fact and data enable the company to identify risks, as well as opportunities.
Improve phase: The company validates the root causes of problems and generates creative solutions for pilot run and full implementation successively.
Control stage: It is important to set up an effective monitoring mechanism to ensure sustainable improvement and obtain financial and non-financial gains in short and long runs.
If your company has limited knowledge or skill to applying Six Sigma approach, or underperformance is still existing after self-running improvement projects. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will base on your voice to customize a training or consultancy project. Our management methodologies can be flexibly integrated with any other management tools and techniques transferred from internal or external sources. The core value of our services is to optimize the business process, to satisfy customer's expectation and to gain the optimal profitability.